May 29, 2010

Tiger #100: ready for the paint job

I primed the Tiger with the excellent Tamiya white primer (fine). And now the fun part begins...

May 15, 2010

Tiger #100 track tool box

The track tool box is in its place now. Dragon didn't provided so I had to made it from a piece of plastic. Straps were cut from a beer can.

May 11, 2010

Tiger #100 exhausts slits

According to TigerImFocus , it seems some Tigers from s.Pz.Abt.502 had four slits cut into each exhaust extension. These are the extensions mounted on Tiger #3's exhausts:

I tried to replicate them on #100 also:

May 07, 2010

Tiger #100 commander's cupola

A good friend of mine and a fellow modeler has noticed a flaw on the commander's cupola. The dividing line marked with a green arrow should have been lower. The 1:35 version of the same cupola is correct.

1:72 ->

1:35 ->

May 06, 2010

Tiger #100 construction

The construction is almost complete and my only concern remains the towing cable.

I don't understand why Dragon didn't bother to represent the rivets of the brackets that hold the side bins. I guess they are too busy making interior details that became invisible anyway once the construction is done...

May 03, 2010

Tiger #100 camo scheme

These are the camo schemes of DML6600 Tiger I, Initial Production s.Pz.Abt.502 Leningrad Region 1942/3 Smart Kit which is announced to be released this May. The drawings were made by David Byrden. Tank #100 is in the middle.